Sasha, who loves to sing, must rest her voice for two weeks so she takes up dancing instead. Includes tips on identifying and using basic parts of a sentence.
This book looks at a variety of topics, such as sentence types, clauses, and phrases, and shows how sentence structure can be used to convey complete ideas clearly.
Offers advice for writing with clarity, as well as with proper sentence structure and punctuation. Also includes examples of passive and improperly written sentences along with their corrected versions.
Introduces the four types of sentences: statements, questions, commands, and exclamations; explains how to distinguish a complete sentence from an incomplete one; and includes a word game for review.
Describes the various types of sentences and their definitions such as simple and compound sentences, imperatives and interrogatives, run-on sentences, and more.
Presents the sentence-composing approach to learning grammar for middle school students, with activities to learn how to imitate the grammar of famous writers.
the quirky history and lost art of diagramming sentences
Florey, Kitty Burns
A veteran copyeditor studies the practice of diagramming sentences in a charming and funny look back at its odd history, its elegant method, and its rich, ongoing possibilities.