A Let's-read-and-find-out science book

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My five senses

A simple presentation of the five senses, demonstrating some ways we use them.
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Explains how and why glaciers form, how they move, and how they shape the land.

Find out by touching

With simple words, lively pictures and a description of a game that two can play, the young reader is shown what he can discover by exercising the sense of touch.

Look at your eyes

Presents basic facts about the functions of the eyes, eyelashes, eyelids, and tears.

Ducks don't get wet

Describes the habits and behavior of ducks emphasizing the physical characteristics which prevents their "getting wet.".

The listening walk

A small boy identifies the sounds he hears when taking a walk on the city streets and in the park.

Get ready for robots!

An introduction to robots describing the many tasks they can perform at home and in industry and the things they might do in the future.
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