big books

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big books

Old Macdonald had a farm

Matching holes on opposing die-cut pages reveal the animals on Old Macdonald's farm and the sounds they make.

Fish are animals

There are some 25,000 species of fish living in the oceans, lakes and rivers of the world. Fish are divided into three classes: bony, jawless, and cartilaginous.

Otto and Oscar

Otto and Oscar are granted ten wishes and learn about words containing short O sounds.

The doorbell rang big book

Each time the doorbell rings, there are more people who have come to share Ma's wonderful cookies.

"Turkey for Thanksgiving dinner?", "no thanks!"

A little spider who just happens to be a descendant of the famous Charlotte of "Charlotte's Web," helps a badly frightened turkey get in shape in order to outrun those who would like to cook him for Thanksgiving.

The little mouse, the red ripe strawberry, and the big hungry bear

Little Mouse worries that the big, hungry bear will take his freshly picked, ripe, red strawberry for himself.

Who sank the boat? ?

One warm suny morning, for no particular reason, the animals that live on Mr. Peffer's place by the sea, decided to take a row in the boat. When the boat sank. Who sank the boat? Was it the cow, the donkey, the sheep, the pig, or the tiny little mouse?.


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