earth (planet)

Geographic Name
earth (planet)

Earth's geosphere

Earth's geosphere is made up of the planet's interior, rocks and minerals, landforms, and the processes that shape Earth's surface.
Cover image of Earth's geosphere

Earth's atmosphere

Explores the atmosphere's composition, its behavior, and how it affects life on Earth.
Cover image of Earth's atmosphere

Understanding the Earth

exploring the wonders of the Earth's surface and its amazing geological events
Understanding the Earth is a family-friendly guide that teaches readers of all ages about the wonders of the Earth's amazing geological events. Study the earth's age, stratigraphic columns, gushing geysers, and fossils and make science learning into hands on fun.
Cover image of Understanding the Earth

The solar system, space rocks, and beyond

exploring the wonders of space particles and meteorites
The interactive activities in this book educate children on fossil hunting, Earth's lifespan, and the mysteries of geysers and concretions.
Cover image of The solar system, space rocks, and beyond

Lost on Earth

Today the class is headed home from a field trip when the Space Bus has a problem. Ms. Bickelblorb must make a landing on the mysterious planet Earth.
Cover image of Lost on Earth


Collects episodes from the television series "Planet Earth," which features high definition filming of the natural world; and episodes from the series "Life," which features micro and macro photography that captures the adaptability and survival tactics of plants and animals.
Cover image of Life

The magic school bus inside the earth

On a special field trip in the magic school bus, Ms Frizzle's class learn at first hand about different kinds of rocks and the formation of the earth.
Cover image of The magic school bus inside the earth


Discusses the orbit, atmosphere, and surface features of Earth, and explains the conditions that make life possible on the planet.
Cover image of Earth

The earth and how it works

Investigates the weather, mountain formation, ocean expansion, and other phenomena and forces of our planet.
Cover image of The earth and how it works


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