My first pet library from the American Humane Association

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My first guinea pig and other small pets

Informs children how to choose and take care of their guinea pigs and other small pets.

My first horse

Informs children how to choose and take care of their first horse.

My first fish

Photographs and simple text describe how to properly choose and care for fish, including fish that are compatible with other fish, tropical and fresh water fish, and aquariums.

My first bird

Simple text and photographs show young readers how to care for a new bird; discussing choosing a breed, supplies, feeding, cleaning a cage, and signs of sickness.

My first dog

Simple text and photographs show young readers how to care for a new dog; discussing choosing a breed, supplies, grooming, veterinarian visits, exercise, and bonding.

My first cat

Simple text and photographs show young readers how to care for a new cat; discussing choosing a breed, supplies, veterinarian visits, feeding, and grooming.
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