dickens, charles

dickens, charles

A tale of two cities

authoritative text, context, criticism
"Charles Dickens' historical novel 'A Tale of Two Cities' follows the life of Doctor Alexandre Manette following his eighteen-year imprisonment in the Bastille. The text of the novel is based on the first edition published by Chapman and Hall (1859) and reproduces the original illustrations. The text is accompanied by explanatory footnotes and a note on the text and illustrations. 'Contexts' includes selections by Charles Dickens on France and the French, contemporary responses to the French Revolution and its aftermath, writings and correspondence on the composition of 'A Tale of Two Cities', and theatrical adaptations during the nineteenth century. 'Criticism' features contemporary reviews and responses, followed by essays that examine the style, sources and inspirations, and historical framework of the novel, in addition to other critical viewpoints"--Provided by publisher.

Dickens and Prince

a particular kind of genius
"From the . . . author of Just Like You, High Fidelity, and Fever Pitch, a short . . . book about art, creativity, and the unlikely similarities between Victorian novelist Charles Dickens and modern American rock star Prince. Equipped with a fan's admiration and his trademark humor and wit, Nick Hornby invites us into his latest obsession: the cosmic link between two unlikely artists, geniuses in their own rights, spanning race, class, and centuries--each of whom electrified their different disciplines and whose legacy resounded far beyond their own time. When Prince's 1987 record Sign o' the Times was rereleased in 2020, the iconic album now came with dozens of songs that weren't on the original--Prince was endlessly prolific, recording 102 songs in 1986 alone. In awe, Hornby began to wonder, Who else ever produced this much? Who else ever worked that way? He soon found his answer in Victorian novelist and social critic Charles Dickens, who died more than a hundred years before Prince began making music. Examining the two artists' personal tragedies, social statuses, boundless productivity, and other parallels, both humorous and haunting, Hornby shows how these two unlikely men from different centuries 'lit up the world.' In the process, he creates a lively, stimulating rumination on the creativity, flamboyance, discipline, and soul it takes to produce great art"--Provided by publisher.

Dear Mr. Dickens

"In Eliza Davis's day, Charles Dickens was the most celebrated living writer in England. But some of his books reflected a prejudice that was all too common at the time: prejudice against Jewish people. Eliza was Jewish, and her heart hurt to see a Jewish character in Oliver Twist portrayed as ugly and selfish. She wanted to speak out about how unfair that was, even if it meant speaking out against the great man himself. So she wrote a letter to Charles Dickens. What happened next is history"--Provided by publisher.

A raven named Grip

how a bird inspired two famous writers, Charles Dickens and Edgar Allan Poe
"This informative . . . picture book explores how a love of birds inspired two literary greats-Charles Dickens and Edgar Allen Poe"--Provided by publisher.

Charles Dickens

A brief biography of author Charles Dickens.

Life in Charles Dickens's England

Examines life in England during the middle 1800s.

Inside Disney's A Christmas carol

Ebenezer Scrooge's ghostly encounter with the three spirits of Christmas show him the true meaning of the holiday season.

The mystery of Charles Dickens

A biogrpahy of English author Charles Dickens looking at reasons behind his creativity and popularity.

Dickens and his world



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