Rainbow magic. Fun day fairies

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Sarah the Sunday fairy

Kirsty and Rachel agree to help when Jack Frost steals Sarah the Sunday Fairy's Fun Day Flag, nearly ruining a family picnic.

Thea the Thursday fairy

Kirsty and Rachel agree to help when Jack Frost steals Thea the Thursday Fairy's Fun Day Flag, making for a gloomy day at the local aquarium.

Sienna the Saturday fairy

Kirsty and Rachel agree to help when Jack Frost steals Sienna the Saturday Fairy's Fun Day Flag, nearly ruining the opening day event at Rachel's cousin Caroline's new clothing store.

Felicity the Friday fairy

Kirsty and Rachel agree to help when Jack Frost steals Felicity the Friday Fairy's Fun Day Flag, turning a day of cookie baking into a chore.

Willow the Wednesday fairy

Kirsty and Rachel agree to help when Jack Frost steals Willow the Wednesday Fairy's Fun Day Flag, which almost meets with disaster when it gets cut up for projects at the arts and crafts day fair.

Tara the Tuesday fairy

Kirsty and Rachel agree to help when Jack Frost steals Tara the Tuesday Fairy's Fun Day Flag and nearly ruins Tippington Schools' Field Day.

Megan the Monday fairy

Kirsty and Rachel agree to help when Jack Frost steals Megan the Monday Fairy's Fun Day Flag, robbing her of her magic and making the day gloomy.
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