On my own biography

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Wilma Rudolph

A biography of the African-American woman who overcame crippling polio as a child to become the first woman to win three gold medals in track in a single Olympics.
Cover image of Wilma Rudolph

Martha Washington

Illustrations and simple text offer a brief introduction to the life of Martha Washington.
Cover image of Martha Washington

Johnny Appleseed

Illustrations and simple text tell the story of Johnny Appleseed.
Cover image of Johnny Appleseed

Jackie Robinson

Describes the life and accomplishments of baseball star Jackie Robinson, who became the first African American in twentieth-century major-league baseball.
Cover image of Jackie Robinson

Helen Keller

Focuses on the early life of a woman who is well known for overcoming her handicaps of being both blind and deaf.
Cover image of Helen Keller

Cesar Chavez

Presents a short biography of Cesar Chavez, the founder of the United Farm Workers of America, and describes how he fought to establish better working conditions and wages for migrant workers in California.
Cover image of Cesar Chavez

Laura Ingalls Wilder

Examines Laura Ingalls Wilder's life as a pioneer girl and her work as a writer describing that life for others.

Leif Eriksson

Tells the life story of Viking explorer Leif Eriksson, describing his adventures in North America in the eleventh century.

Sojourner Truth

Presents a short biography on former slave and abolitionist Sojourner Truth and chronicles her early life on a Dutch plantation in New York and her fight for emancipation and equal rights for all African Americans and women.

Alexander Graham Bell

Illustrations and simple text help chronicle the life of inventor Alexander Graham Bell.


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