Animal extremes

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Deep, deeper, deepest

animals that go to great depths
Contains an introduction to animals that live under great depths, both earth and water, presented in simple text with illustrations, and including information on the aardvark, parakeet, squid, sperm whale, and others. Includes facts about each animal.

High, higher, highest

animals that go to great heights
Discusses wildlife that can fly or climb up to extreme heights.

R?pido, m?s r?pido, muy r?pido

animales que se muevan a grandes velocidades
Identifies several animals that can move at speeds rangingfrom thirty-five to more than two hundred miles per hour, including the zebra, the cheetah, and the bald eagle. Text in English and Spanish.

High, higher, highest

animals that go to great heights
Identifies insects, birds, and other animals that can fly, climb, and leap to heights ranging from twenty-five to nearly forty thousand feet.

Cold, colder, coldest

animals that adapt to cold weather
Presents a children's book for early readers that describes the various animals that live in the extreme cold weather such as Arctic bumblebees, the Alaskan blackfish, polar bears, musk ox, emperor penguins, and the Siberian husky.

Hot, hotter, hottest

animals that adapt to great heat
Describes a number of animals that can endure the extreme heat including the monarch butterfly, fennec fox, burrowing owl, antelope jackrabbit, camel, and others.

Fast, faster, fastest

animals that move at great speeds
Identifies several animals that can move at speeds ranging from thirty-five to more than two hundred miles per hour, including the zebra, the cheetah, and the bald eagle.
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