Applegate, Katherine

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Animorphs : The message

Cassie believes her strange dreams are just a side effect of having been given the alien power to morph into an animal, but when she learns that Tobias has been having the same dreams about the ocean, they realize someone is issuing a call for help.

Animorphs : The invasion

Jake and his friends are given the power to morph into animals by a dying alien who tells them the Earth is under attack by the invading Yeerks, and they are called upon to test their new abilities almost immediately when they learn that Vissar Three, deadliest of the Yeerks, is after them.

Animorphs : The capture

The Animorphs are in real trouble when they transform into flies to invade the new base of the alien Yeerks, and Jake becomes the enemy after falling into the Yeerk regeneration pool.

Animorphs : The alien

Ax, an Andalite warrior-cadet, is stranded on Earth when his spaceship is attacked by the evil Yeerks, and, although he has misgivings, he agrees to join forces with five humans who have been given the power to morph into animals to help him fight the Yeerks and avenge his brother's death.

Never walk in shoes that talk

Having gotten a pair of hard-to-find Walkie Talkie shoes, Roscoe is suddenly popular and wants his best friend, Gus, to join the fun, but before Gus's parents will buy him new shoes, he must wear out his long-lasting sneakers.

Never swim in applesauce

Roscoe Riley really wants to be on his best behavior for the class field trip to the apple orchard, but when his sister's magic ball falls into a vat of applesauce, he has no choice but to try get it back.

Don't tap-dance on your teacher

Roscoe cannot wait to tap dance in the school talent show until some older boys make fun of him and say that tap dancing is just for girls.

Never swipe a bully's bear

When first-grader Roscoe discovers that his stuffed pig is missing from his backpack, he accuses the class bully of "pig-napping" and gets even by taking the bully's teddy bear.

Don't swap your sweater for a dog

Determined to win a trophy of some kind, first-grader Roscoe swaps a hand-knitted sweater from his grandmother for the chance to enter his new neighbor's very clever dog in a trick contest.

Never glue your friends to chairs

Roscoe Riley, upset with the notion that his teacher could get in trouble, comes up with a plan to keep the bee antennae on the first graders' heads, and help the drummers stay in their seats for the open house play.


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