Symbols of freedom

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Pictures of America

Discusses pictures and symbols that represent America, including patriotic, geographic, corporate, and official symbols.

The U.S. Capitol

Describes the planning and construction of the U.S. Capitol as well as its uses and physical features inside and out.
Cover image of The U.S. Capitol

The Pledge of Allegiance

Provides information about the Pledge of Allegiance, explaining what it means, who wrote it, how it has been changed over the years, and its importance to Americans.
Cover image of The Pledge of Allegiance

The National World War II Memorial

Presents an introduction to the National World War II Memorial, in simple text with illustrations, explaining when it was built, how Americans died in World War II, and what the memorial represents.
Cover image of The National World War II Memorial

Mount Rushmore

Describes the planning and creation of Mount Rushmore and discusses its significance as an American symbol.
Cover image of Mount Rushmore

Independence Hall

Presents an introduction to Independence Hall, in simple text with illustrations, describing what it is and why it is important in U.S. history.
Cover image of Independence Hall

The Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial

Presents a brief look at the life and presidency of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, discusses the decision to create a memorial in his honor, and features a tour of the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial in Washington, D.C.
Cover image of The Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial

Arlington National Cemetery

An illustrated introduction to Arlington National Cemetery, with information on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Civil War monuments, and major people who are buried there.
Cover image of Arlington National Cemetery

The White House

Introduces the history of the White House, explaining why it is important and describing the rooms where the president works and lives.


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