A mother wood duck peeks out of a hole in an old, twisted tree in a swamp. The hole is the entrance to her nest. Once she's sure no predators are close by, the mother duck jumps from the nest hole to the ground. Then, one, two, three--tiny, fluffy ducklings start to jump from the tree. Soon 12 babies have jumped from the nest. Now, the newest residents of the swamp are ready to explore their watery home. Filled with information perfectly suited to the abilities and interests of its primary-grade audience, this colorful, fact-filled book gives readers a chance not only to learn all about wood ducks and the swamp habitat in which they live, but also to develop their powers of observation and critical thinking. Built-in activities, such as comparing a female and male wood duck and guessing what wood ducks eat, give readers a chance to gain insights beyond the facts and figures.