Things I like

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I like soccer

"Invites readers to discover what is fun about soccer"--Provided by publisher.

I like dogs

"Invites readers to discover what is fun about dogs"--Provided by publisher.

I like cats

Describes a few of the physical characteristics and behaviors of domestic and wild cats.
Cover image of I like cats

I like planes

Photographs and simple, first-person text describes different types of airplanes and the features that make them so appealing to children.

I like outer space

Photographs and simple text introduce children to the wonders of outer space, describing the planets and moons, the experiences of astronauts, and the methods they can use to study the universe.

I like dinosaurs

Photographs and simple, first-person text describe different types of dinosaurs, their physical characteristics, behaviors, and habitats.

I like cats

Photographs and simple, first-person text describe different types of cats and answer basic questions about cat anatomy, behavior, and habitats.

I like bugs

Photographs and simple, first-person text describe different types of bugs and the features that make them so appealing to children.

I like soccer

Photographs and simple first-person text describes the game of soccer, its rules, equipment, and matches.

I like dogs

Photographs and simple, first-person text describe different types of dogs and the characteristics and behaviors that make them so appealing to children.


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