Graves, Sue

Compare Name: 

Red Tractor

Who's in the Jungle?

Noisy Train

Take a deep breath

Miss Button teaches Ruby, Andy, Dan, and Josh to take a deep breath and think calm thoughts before doing something that they don't want to do. When they do, they find they become brave, and the things they did not want to do are no longer frightening.

Not fair, won't share

Dan, Nora, and Henry learn how to take turns and share toys. Includes a section with discussion questions and ideas for guiding children to talk about playing fairly.

I'm not happy

Simple text and color illustrations depict a story about unhappiness and how children can cheer up themselves and others. Includes a section with discussion questions and ideas for guiding children to talk about how to deal with sadness.

I hate everything!

Young Sam wants to play soccer with his dad, but dad is too busy. Sam gets angry, and nothing else throughout the day goes right and he gets even more angry, until his Auntie Meg helps him work through his anger.

I didn't do it!

When Poppy's friends and family become upset because she lied rather than tell the truth, she enlists the help of her teacher and learns how to apologize and set things right.

But what if?

A young girl named Daisy, whose family is moving, worries about many things until she talks with her grandfather who helps her realize that many worries don't come true and if one does, her loved ones will help her cope with it. Includes a series of wordless pictures for kids to compose their own stories, and a note to parents and teachers.

Night, night!

Before Josh can go to sleep, his mother must find all his friends and put them in bed too.


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