Pebble plus. All about winter

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An illustrated presentation of Christmas, the Christian celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, covering the life of Jesus and the festivities related to the holiday, such as decorating a tree, baking cookies, singing songs, and praying. Presented in English and Spanish.


An illustrated presentation of Christmas, the Christian celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, covering the life of Jesus and the festivities related to the holiday, such as decorating a tree, baking cookies, singing songs, and praying. Includes a glossary.


An illustrated presentation of snowflakes, discussing their uniqueness, the fact that they have six sides, their varying properties depending upon temperature, and the fact that snowstorms create more work and play for people. Includes a glossary.

People in winter

An illustrated presentation of winter, discussing the snow, cold, and short days, the apparel people wear while playing outside and skiing, and holidays that occur in the season, such as Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa. Includes a glossary.

Animals in winter

An illustrated presentation of animals in winter, discussing how they migrate, forage for food, hibernate, grow thick and sometimes different-colored fur, and stay together for warmth. Includes a glossary.
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