Hart, Roger

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English life in the eighteenth century

A profile of the age that heralded great changes for England. Includes photographs, contemporary paintings, and etchings and makes use of much primary source material.

English life in the seventeenth century

Using contemporary documents, paintings, and other primary source material describes the century that included the Civil War and the Great Fire and Plague.

English life in the seventeenth century

Using contemporary documents, paintings, and other primary source material describes the century that included the Civil War and the Great Fire and Plague.

English life in the nineteenth century

Examines the way of life in Victorian England, its social, economic, and industrial problems and reforms.

English life in Tudor times

Describes the life of the English people between 1485 and 1603, a period often called England's "Golden Age.".

Battle of the Spanish Armada

Discusses the causes and describes the events of the decisive battle that assured English independence from Spanish rule.


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