
Topical Term


In this book, readers will learn what tolerance is, how and why to show it, how to use mindfulness to better practice tolerance, and how to encourage it in others.

Celebrating all appearances

Readers will learn the importance of acceptance and empathy as they relate to appearances, both chosen and genetic, and how to practice these in their daily lives.

Tolerance & cooperation

Young readers explore the importance of tolerance and cooperation, how they can help build character and leadership skills, and offers advice on how to put them into practice.

The chickens build a wall

When a friendly hedgehog visits the farm, the chickens build an enormous wall to keep out "prickly invaders.".

The wall

a timeless tale
"A king banishes anyone who is different from him and has a wall built to keep them out of his kingdom"

The blackbird girls

"On a spring morning, neighbors Valentina Kaplan and Oksana Savchenko wake up to an angry red sky. A reactor at the nuclear power plant where their fathers work--Chernobyl--has exploded. Before they know it, the two girls, who've always been enemies, find themselves on a train bound for Leningrad to stay with Valentina's estranged grandmother, Rita Grigorievna. In their new lives in Leningrad, they begin to learn what it means to trust another person. Oksana must face the lies her parents told her all her life. Valentina must keep her grandmother's secret, one that could put all their lives in danger. And both of them discover something they've wished for: a best friend. But how far would you go to save your best friend's life? Would you risk your own?"

The belonging tree

"A young squirrel disagrees with his parents who want to exclude such newcomers as the blue jays, chipmunks, and beavers from the squirrels' woodland neighborhood"--Provided by publisher.

Working together at school

"Working together helps everyone, especially at school! Learn how to show fairness, respect, responsibility, honesty and other civic virtues to help your school be a better place to learn in this . . . book. An early civics book that includes a note to caregivers, reading activities, and a word list"--Publisher.

Appreciating diversity

"With this volume, students will be encouraged to celebrate the many different cultures of the globe. They will learn to understand concepts like intersectionality and discrimination, and how these concepts affect them and their friends. Young readers will learn why it is important to respect everyone no matter how different they may seem"--Provided by publisher.

Different but equal

appreciating diversity
"We live in a diverse world, full of people who look different from each other, believe in different things, and have different customs and abilities. This book dives into the . . . social and emotional learning skill of appreciating diversity, which is a part of the larger core concept of social awareness. Readers will learn how to recognize, accept, and celebrate the differences between themselves and others. Full-color photographs, . . . text, and relatable situations will allow readers to connect . . . with the subject. Readers will learn how to apply this appreciation for diversity to everyday life and become engaged, accepting citizens of the world"--Provided by publisher.


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