strategic defense initiative

Topical Term
strategic defense initiative

Ronald Reagan and his quest to abolish nuclear weapons

Drawing upon personal interviews with former members of Ronald Reagan's staff and security council, ambassadors to the USSR, and declassified documents, the author examines Reagan'spolicy regarding nuclear weapons and U.S. diplomacy concerning his Strategic Defense Initiative.

Way out there in the blue

Reagan, Star Wars, and the end of the Cold War
Presents a portrait of Ronald Reagan and his presidency, using his proposed Star Wars defense as a lens through which to examine the extent to which national discourse about foreign and defense policy is not about reality, but instead a matter of domestic politics, history, and mythology.

Claiming the heavens

the New York times complete guide to the star wars debate
A report regarding the major aspects of the Strategic Defense Initiative based on exclusive interviews.

Empty promise

the growing case against Star Wars

Star Wars

Describes the satellites and lasers to be used in the Strategic Defense Iniative and explains how they function. Also discusses the controversy surrounding space weapons research.

Way out there in the blue

Reagan, Star Wars, and the end of the Cold War
Presents a portrait of Ronald Reagan and his presidency, using his proposed Star Wars defense as a lens through which to examine the extent to which national discourse about foreign and defense policy is not about reality, but instead a matter of domestic politics, history, and mythology.

The cardinal of the Kremlin

Jack Ryan, CIA analyst, must rescue Colonel Filitov, America's highest agent in the Kremlin, from the KGB as the race to build the first Star Wars missile defense system continues.


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