Presents content-based reader's theater scripts designed to help second graders improve their reading fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension skills, with activities and response questions for each script.
A collection of more than twenty-five scripts that have been adapted from Mother Goose rhymes and fairy tales so that young readers can perform and enjoy them.
Presents dramatic dialogue for early readers that relates a children's story in which a lazy grasshopper turns to the ants for pity when he is hungry during the winter. Includes tips for performing.
Presents twenty readers theater scripts on scientific principles and possibilities, which cast students in grades 4-8 in the roles of explorers, discoverers, scientists, and aliens. Includes activity ideas and learning extensions.
motivational strategies, successful lessons and dynamic scripts to develop fluency, comprehension, writing and vocabulary
Fredericks, Anthony D
Contains teaching strategies, lesson plans, scripts, and reproducible pages for using readers theatre to build fluency in kindergarten through eighth grade students.