germanic peoples

Topical Term
germanic peoples

Early Germans

"A history of the early German peoples, who lived, traded, and fought with the ancient Romans--covering the period from 230 BCE to 180 CE"--.
Cover image of Early Germans

The Germanic invasions

the making of Europe, AD 400-600

As sure as the dawn

Atretes, a revered gladiator, has won his freedom and vows to find the son he believed had died, but retrieving the baby from Rizpah, the young widow who has raised the child from birth, proves more difficult than he thought it would be, and Atretes is moved to take Rizpah into his household and into his heart.

Modern marvels

Analyzes the weaponry and tactics used by the raiding Germanic tribes against the Roman Empire, including their mastery of the bow and how they perfected metallurgy.

Barbarians II

Tells the stories and depicts the worlds of the Vandal, Saxon, Frank, and Lombard warrior tribes, invaders of the Roman Empire, examining their rites, tactics, weapons, and agendas.

Encyclopedia of barbarian Europe

society in transformation
Covering nearly 1000 years of history, from the late ancient period through the first centuries of the Middle Ages, this reference work examines key figures, places, events, laws, and ideas of barbarian Europe.

Gods and worshippers

in the Viking and Germanic world
Explores a number of archaeological sites of ancient cult and religious gatherings; and examines burial customs, myths and poetry from various regions, gods and goddesses, and day-to-day worship.

Peoples and empires

a short history of European migration, exploration, and conquest from Greece to the present
Traces the history of the great empires of the West, from the days of Alexander the Great and Rome to the fall of Europe's colonial system after World War II.


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