Sheehy, Gail

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My Passages
"The author of the classic New York Times bestseller Passages returns with her inspiring memoir-a chronicle of her trials and triumphs as a groundbreaking "girl" journalist in the 1960s, to iconic guide for women and men seeking to have it all, to one of the premier political profilers of modern times"--.


my passages : a memoir
Author Gail Sheehy presents a comprehensive memoir chronicling the many passages in her life. Discusses her legendary career; her desire to have love, career, children, and social significance; her marriage struggles and role as a single mother; and her soul mate Clay's decline and death.

Middletown, America

one town's passage from trauma to hope
A collection of true stories which recount how the residents of Middletown, New Jersey, are trying to put their lives back together after more than fifty members of its community were killed in the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.


America's search for leadership
An examination of the characters of the men running for the presidential nomination in the 1988 election in the Republican and Democratic parties.

New passages

mapping your life across time

New passages

mapping your life across time
Tells us we have the ability to customize our own life cycle.


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