Thayer, Ernest Lawrence

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Casey at the bat

A narrative poem about a celebrated baseball player who strikes out at the crucial moment of a game.

Casey at the bat

The famous narrative poem about an overconfident baseball player striking out.

The first book edition of Casey at the bat

A narrative poem about a celebrated baseball player who struck out in the crucial moment of a game.

The first book edition of Casey at the bat

A narrative poem about a celebrated baseball player who struck out in the crucial moment of a game.

The first book edition of Casey at the bat

A narrative poem about a celebrated baseball player who struck out in the crucial moment of a game.

The first book edition of Casey at the bat

A narrative poem about a celebrated baseball player who struck out in the crucial moment of a game.

The first book edition of Casey at the bat

A narrative poem about a celebrated baseball player who struck out in the crucial moment of a game.

Casey at the bat

Casey at the bat

A classic poem of the baseball hero who struck out at the worst time.


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