Service, Robert

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More collected verse


a history of world communism
Presents a comprehensive history of world communism in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union that examines the social and political regimes and their leaders which include Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin, Fidel Castro, and Mao Zedong.

A history of modern Russia

from Tsarism to the twenty-first century
Traces the history of Russia through the election of Dmitri Medvedev, exploring the social, political, economic, and cultural figures and events that shaped the region and its people and describing the social and economic difficulties that have plagued Russia over the years.


a biography


a biography
A comprehensive biography of Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin that discusses his childhood in Georgia, education, religious training, political activity, impact on world history, and other related topics.


a biography
A biography of Vladimir Lenin, founder of the communist party and the Soviet state, discussing his early life, education, and family; looking at events that fed his urge to rebel; and examining his roles as revolutionary, political leader, thinker, and private person.

The Russian revolution 1900-1927

Accounts of the 1917 Russian Revolution have changed as fresh evidence has emerged from archives and historians have opened up future lines of enquiry.

A History of modern Russia

from Nicholas II to Vladimir Putin
Traces the history of Russia through the twentieth century, exploring the social, political, economic, and cultural figures and events that shaped the region and its people and describing the social and economic difficulties that have plagued Russia over the years.

A history of twentieth-century Russia

A history of twentieth-century Russia, focusing on the politics, society, economics, and culture of the communist years between 1917 and 1991, and looking at the surviving elements of communist order in post-Soviet Russia.
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