Oxford portraits in science

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Marie Curie

Ernest Rutherford

and the explosion of atoms
A biography of the scientist considered to be the father of nuclear physics for his development of the nuclear theory of the atom in 1911 and discovery of alpha and beta rays and protons.

William Harvey and the mechanics of the heart

A biography of the eminent seventeenth century physician and scientist who discovered the functions of the heart, arteries, and veins in the circulation of blood.

Margaret Mead

coming of age in America
Traces the life and work of the noted woman anthropologist whose studies of primitive cultures established her as an authority in her field.

Nicolaus Copernicus

making the Earth a planet
Contains a brief biography of Nicolaus Copernicus, the doctor, lawyer, and church official who developed the theory that the planets revolved around the sun, and includes information on his early life, and the events that lead to his discovery.

Albert Einstein and the frontiers of physics

Examines the personality as well as the thought process which led this physicist to his discoveries which have helped shape our understanding of the natural world.
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