
Topical Term

Parrot in the Oven

Manny relates his coming of age experiences as a member of a poor Mexican family in which the alcoholic father only adds to everyone's struggle.

Understanding alcohol

Explores the effects of alcohol on teenagers.
Cover image of Understanding alcohol


Five drug addicts, reluctantly facing rehabilitation, are forced to confront truths about their pasts as well as their darkest secrets with a group of strangers and learn how to live without getting high.
Cover image of Clean

Border crossing

Manz, a troubled fifteen-year-old, ruminates over his Mexican father's death, his mother's drinking, and his stillborn stepbrother until the voices he hears in his head take over and he cannot tell reality from delusion.
Cover image of Border crossing

Echoes between us

Told in two voices, Veronica and Sawyer become partners for their senior project and soon they are helping each other battle the ghosts that haunt them--her diagnosis causing blinding migranes and his adrenaline addiction.
Cover image of Echoes between us

Rosie and Skate

Fifteen-year-old Rosie and her sixteen-year-old sister Skate are looked after by their cousin Angie while their father, a drunk, spends a few weeks in jail, and both girls endure problems with boyfriends and family while living in an old Victorian house on the Jersey shore.
Cover image of Rosie and Skate

Not like you

When she and her mother move once again in order to make a new start, fifteen-year-old Kayla is hopeful that her mother will be able to stop drinking and begin a better life, as she has been promising for years.
Cover image of Not like you


Contains twenty-four essays that provide varying perspectives on alcohol use, discussing the physiological effects of using alcohol, its implications on society, the causes of alcohol abuse, and measures that could reduce alcohol-related problems; and including discussion questions, contact information for organizations, and bibliographies.
Cover image of Alcohol

Rosie and Skate

Fifteen-year-old Rosie and her sixteen-year-old sister Skate are looked after by their cousin Angie while their father, a drunk, spends a few weeks in jail, and both girls endure problems with boyfriends and family while living in an old Victorian house on the Jersey shore.
Cover image of Rosie and Skate

My name is Davy--I'm an alcoholic

A fifteen-year-old won't believe that he is an alcoholic until personal tragedy forces him to face reality.
Cover image of My name is Davy--I'm an alcoholic


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