farewell to arms

farewell to arms

Ernest Hemingway's A farewell to arms

A collection of nine critical essays on Hemingway's novel "A Farewell to Arms" arranged in chronological order of publication.

War in Ernest Hemingway's A farewell to arms

A collection of critical essays about Ernest Hemingway's "A Farewell to Arms.".

A farewell to arms

the war of the words
Comprehensive study of Ernest Hemingway's A Farewell to Arms concentrating on characters and themes.

Ernest Hemingway's A farewell to arms

a reference guide
An in-depth study guide to American author Ernest Hemingway's novel "A Farewell to Arms" that provides a brief Hemingway biography, a plot summary, a textual history, a bibliographical essay, and discussion of the work's contexts, themes, issues, characters, language, style, and reception.

Ernest Hemingway's A farewell to arms

A guide to reading "A Farewell to Arms" with a critical and appreciative mind. Includes background on the author's life and times, sample tests, term paper suggestions, and a reading list.

New essays on A farewell to arms

An introductory critical guide to Hemingway's novel with essays that present contemporary ideas on his work.

Ernest Hemingway's A farewell to arms

Includes a brief biography of the author, thematic and structural analysis of the work, critical views, and an index of themes and ideas.

Readings on A farewell to arms

An anthology of critical essays that provide a wide range of information and opinion about the twentieth-century novel "Farewell to Arms, " and its author Ernest Hemingway.
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