Becker, Jasper

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Rogue regime

Kim Jong Il and the looming threat of North Korea
Examines how North Korea's Kim Jong Il made himself into a living god, imposing a reign of terror across the country, destroying its national resources, and isolating himself and North Korea from the rest of the world.

Dragon rising

an inside look at China today
A collection of color and black-and-white illustrated photographs describes how changes in China are reshaping economic, diplomatic, and military strategies around the world; and examines the poverty, unrest, and corruption in many of China's provinces.

Hungry ghosts

Mao's secret famine
Draws from interviews with hundreds of survivors to provide information about how the Communist reforms instituted in China in the years between 1958 and 1962, and the reluctance of officials to oppose Mao Zedong, led to massive crop failures and famine that claimed millions of lives.

Rogue regime

Kim Jong Il and the looming threat of North Korea
Examines how North Korea's Kim Jong Il made himself into a living god, imposing a reign of terror across the country, destroying its national resources, and isolating himself and North Korea from the rest of the world.

The Chinese

Jasper Becker uses his personal experiences to describe various aspects of the Chinese culture.
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