Primary documents in American history and contemporary issues

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The AIDS crisis

a documentary history
Chronicles the history of the HIV and AIDS viruses and discusses their impact on the world.

Founding the Republic

a documentary history
Collection of key primary documents relating to the founding of the United States, illustrating the debates on the principles and practices of good government that were waged from 1775 to 1792, and presenting contending views on the founding-era arguments about the meaning and practice of democracy.

Gay and lesbian rights in the United States

a documentary history
Presents primary documents, including laws, court cases, personal testimonies, and others, that provide insights into the history of conflict over the issue of gay and lesbian rights in the United States, from colonial times to 2000.

Free expression in America

a documentary history
Traces the evolution of free speech in America since the founding of the country through a collection of over one hundred primary documents, including court cases, magazine articles, newspaper reports, and speeches.

Affirmative action

a documentary history
A collection of four hundred documents which trace the history and development of affirmative action, explore how race, gender, and disability apply to affirmative action, and provide arguments for and against affirmative action.

Women's rights in the United States

a documentary history
Presents historical writings on women's rights in the context of the period in which they were written.

The environmental debate

a documentary history
Contains over 140 primary documents related to the history of environmentalism in the United States, covering a period that ranges from the founding of the nation through the end of the twentieth century.

Constitutional debates on freedom of religion

a documentary history
A collection of more than seventy documents that address the meaning and correct applications of First Amendment clauses on religious establishment and the free exercise of religion.

U.S. immigration and naturalization laws and issues

a documentary history
Contains over one hundred primary documents that combine to provide a history of U.S. immigration and naturalization laws and issues, including court cases, opinion pieces, and other texts.

Genetic engineering

a documentary history
A collection of 135 documents that help trace the history and development of plant, animal, and human genetics.


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