Dershowitz, Alan M

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Cancel culture

the latest attack on free speech and due process
"[Alan Dershowitz] . . . makes an argument for free speech, due process, and restraint against the often overeager impulse to completely cancel individuals and institutions at the ever-changing whims of social media-driven crowds"--OCLC.

Taking liberties

a decade of hard cases, bad laws, and bum raps

America declares independence

Examines the sources, history, and reasoning behind the creation of the Declaration of Independence and criticizes its contradictions.


how the religious right is hijacking our Declaration of Independence
The author maintains that the religious right is misusing and misquoting the Declaration of Independence in order to Christianize America; and cites examples such as the federal funding of faith-based programs and abolishing the separation of church and state.

Supreme injustice

how the high court hijacked election 2000
Explores the Supreme Court's decision to end the 2000 presidential election, discussing how the decision was reached and how it will affect the future of politics.


a knife that cuts both ways
Describes the world's move toward preemptive action rather than reaction in foreign policy, crime fighting, and various aspects of society, examining consequences of this for civil liberties and human rights and suggesting ways to achieve balance between security and freedom.

Finding Jefferson

a lost letter, a remarkable discovery, and the first amendment in an age of terrorism
Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz describes his love of collecting and his remarkable find at a flea market of an 1801 letter written by Thomas Jefferson that reveals Jefferson's views on freedom of speech.

The abuse excuse

and other cop-outs, sob stories, and evasions of responsibility
A well-known defense attorney argues that those who claim to be above the law, for whatever reason, are no more than vigilantes.


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