Evans, Mari

Compare Name: 

I am a Black woman

Black women writers (1950-1980)

a critical evaluation
Recent African-American women writers discuss their lives and work, followed by critical essays by both men and women.
Cover image of Black women writers (1950-1980)

Jim flying high

A proud flying fish named Jim is rescued from a tree by Olukun, the Chief of the Water.
Cover image of Jim flying high

I am a Black woman

Clarity as concept

a poet's perspective : a collection of essays
A collection of essays by African-American poet Mari Evans in which she addresses the lives of African-Americans in the United States and provides advice on change; discussing family, politics, education, the importance of museums, and other related topics.

"I'm late"

the story of LaNeese & Moonlight and Alisha who didn't have anyone of her own
The author presents three intertwined stories about teen pregnancy and the consequences of trying to grow up too soon.

Jim flying high

A proud flying fish named Jim is rescued from a tree by Olukun, the Chief of the Water.

A dark and splendid mass

A collection of poems by the award-winning author in which she provides a 1990s look at societal issues and African-Americans in love and crisis.
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