Andrews, William L.

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Classic American autobiographies

Presents the complete texts of five classic American autobiographies, including "A True History of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson," published in 1682, and "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass," published in 1845.
Cover image of Classic American autobiographies

African American autobiography

a collection of critical essays
An overview of the criticism of the historical trends and developments found in African-American authored autobiographies.

Classic fiction of the Harlem Renaissance

Includes the most widely read novels and short stories of the Harlem Renaissance.

Journeys in new worlds

early American women's narratives
Biographical narratives of Mary Rowlandson, Madame Knight, Elizabeth Ashbridge, and Elizabeth House Trist.

The literature of the American South

a Norton anthology
An anthology of southern literature, containing works by eighty-seven authors writing in a variety of genres; with a selection of vernacular expressions, focusing on the traditions of singing, preaching, and storytelling, some featured on the included audio CD-ROM. Includes brief biographical information about each contributor.

Toni Morrison's Beloved

a casebook
A collection of essays that analyze Toni Morrison's novel "Beloved.".

The Civitas anthology of African American slave narratives

Presents the complete texts of seven fugitive slave narratives from the nineteenth century, including writings by Nat Turner, Frederick Douglass, and others.

The Oxford companion to African American literature

A reference guide to African-American literature, containing information on the lives and careers of over 400 writers, and including entries that discuss major works, literary characters, character types, cultural icons, literary genres, and other related topics.

Classic African American women's narratives

A collection of narratives written by African-American women before 1865 who relate their personal stories of captivity, freedom, and the horrors of slavery.
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