numbers, prime

Topical Term
numbers, prime

If you were an odd number

Illustrations and simple text introduces odd numbers to young readers.

The reindeer remainders

A class of a dozen reindeer is used to splitting into even groups, but when a new student arrives they problem-solve to ensure no one is left out.
Cover image of The reindeer remainders

The call of the primes

surprising patterns, peculiar puzzles, and other marvels of mathematics
Text and illustrations look at the world of mathematics, focusing on primes, the Lucas sequence, square numbers, and other topics.

The very cold, freezing, no-number day

"... All the numbers have frozen! Children must trace, blow on, and count the numbers to unfreeze them, and in the process, they will learn colors, seasons, patterns, and numbers ..."--Jacket flap.

The music of the primes

searching to solve the greatest mystery in mathematics
Examines German mathematician Bernhard Riemann's hypothesis on imaginary numbers, sine waves, and prime numbers and attempts to unravel the mystery surrounding it.

Buzzing bees

discovering odd numbers
Illustrations and simple text introduce young readers to the concepts of odd numbers.

You can count on monsters

the first 100 numbers and their characters
Explains multiplication, prime and composite numbers, and factor trees and assigns a different monster to each prime number to help readers visually count to one hundred.

Prime obsession

Bernhard Riemann and the greatest unsolved problem in mathematics
Traces the history and background of the Riemann Hypothesis, discussing the impact it has had on the field of mathematics since it was first developed in 1859.

If you were an odd number

Illustrations and simple text introduces odd numbers to young readers.


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