fifteenth century

Topical Term
fifteenth century

Circa 1492

art in the age of exploration

The Crucible of the Millennium

Part One: Through the Looking Glass
Part one travels to the Indian port city of Calicut, a crossroads of trade and adventure, to follow three 15th century visitors: a leader of a royal Chinese maritime expedition, an ambassador from the Ottoman court, and a Portuguese explorer whose visit changed the course of history.

The World in 1492

Introduces the history, customs, beliefs, and accomplishments of people living in Europe, Asia, Africa, Polynesia, and the Americas during the fifteenth century.

Great events from history

The Renaissance & early modern era, 1454-1600
Provides coverage of over 330 key events in political, economic, cultural, and social history between 1454-1600.

The 1400s

Chronologically arranged primary and secondary source articles help profile major political, social, and cultural events which occurred during the fifteenth century.

The World in 1492

Introduces the history, customs, beliefs, and accomplishments of people living in Europe, Asia, Africa, Polynesia, and the Americas during the fifteenth century.

Great events from history

Presents volume one of a two-volume set of over one hundred eighty essays covering the Renaissance period from 1454 to 1532 on topics including the foundation of the Saud Dynasty, social structure of Europe in the fifteenth century, Spanish Inquisition, Tudor England, colonial exploration and trade, Ottoman Wars, and much more.

If you were there in 1492

Readers take a trip back in time to learn about the culture and civilization of fifteenth-century Europe and Spain, and the discovery of America by Columbus.

The spring of the ram

In this historical novel, Nicholas vander Poele of Bruges, a merchant in the fifteenth century, sails from the Black Sea to Trebizond to retrieve a jewel that belongs to the Ottoman Empire, but trouble ensues when his stepdaughter elopes with his rival, who sabotages every port before Nicholas arives.

Race of scorpions

The third book of "The House of Niccolo" finds Nicholas, already a widower at the age of twenty-one, walking a fine line of intrigue between Queen Carlotta and her charismatic brother James, both of whom are seeking Nicholas's support in their quests for the throne of Cyprus.


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