urban pests

Topical Term
urban pests

Garbage cans and landfills

Text and photographs describe less-than-pleasant and unexpected habitats and the animals that live in them, focusing on garbage cans and landfills, and discussing seagulls, rats, pigeons, flies, and cockroaches.

Streets and alleys

Text and photographs describe less-than-pleasant and unexpected habitats and the animals that live in them, focusing on streets and alleys, and discussing rats, stray cats, raccoons, cockroaches, scavenging birds, and squirrels.

Sewers and gutters

Text and photographs describe less-than-pleasant and unexpected habitats and the animals that live in them, focusing on sewers and gutters, and discussing rats, cockroaches, bats, snails, and slugs.


observations on the history and habitat of the city's most unwanted inhabitants
Robert Sullivan spent a year investigating a rat-infested alley a few blocks from Wall Street. What he saw, night after night, is detailed here and turns out to be funny, wise, and sometimes disgusting.

Wild neighbors

the humane approach to living with wildlife
Describes the humane methods that can be used and items that can be made or purchased to prevent disturbances from such wild animals as raccoons, snakes, rabbits, bats, coyotes, foxes, and others. Includes notes on their dietary habits, habitats, and communicable diseases.


observations on the history and habitat of the city's most unwanted inhabitants
Traces the history of the urban rat, based on the author's observations primarily in a Manhattan alley, introduces some of the people who deal with rats on a daily basis, including exterminators, sanitation workers, and others, and shares rat-related anecdotes.
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