Discusses the importance of knowledge in the workplace and looks at how corporations can increase, evaluate, and utilize their workers' knowledge to better serve customers.
"Discusses whether or not accelerating technology disrupts the economic system to the point where a fundamental restructuring is required."--Provided by publisher.
An upper-level degree is a prized asset in the eyes of many employers, and nonfaculty careers once considered Plan B are now preferred by the majority of science degree holders. Melanie Sinche profiles science PhDs across a wide range of disciplines who share proven strategies for landing a rewarding occupation inside or outside the university.--Provided by publisher.
Provides full descriptions of more than two hundred fifty occupations, offering information on the nature of the work, training and eduction required, chances for advancement, job outlook, and earnings for each.
how corporate greed and brain-dead politics are selling out America
Dorgan, Byron L
Explores the controversial influence of America's current trade policies, condemning corporate profiteers, the gouging practices of drug and oil companies, Wal-Mart's stranglehold on the market, and the problems confronting American workers.
Discusses the duties, earnings, qualifications, and employment opportunities for occupations ranging from lawyers and computer programmers to carpenters and environmentally responsible positions.
Traces the history of labor in the United States, discussing how the work force was affected by slavery, Western expansion, war, the civil rights movement, and other key events in American history.