job satisfaction

Topical Term
job satisfaction

How will you measure your life?

Akin to The Last Lecture in its revelatory perspective following life-altering events, "How Will You Measure Your Life?" presents a set of personal guidelines that have helped the author find meaning and happiness in his life.

How to be happy at work

a practical guide to career satisfaction
A practical guide to finding a successful and satisfying career, with advice on such topics as working with coworkers and supervisors, balance personal and professional life, dealing with unethical people, and pursuing alternate working arrangements.

Rooster combs

Rex is not a morning chicken, so he asks his wife to take over his job of crowing at dawn and opens a beauty salon, where he specializes in styling chicken's combs. Includes facts about chickens.

El peinado del gallo

Gabriel Gallo is not a morning rooster, so he asks his wife to take over his job of crowing at dawn and opens a beauty salon, where he specializes in comb styling.

Learning the ropes

Uses case studies and practical exercises to teach new employees what to expect at a new job including dress codes, coworker interactions, and employee rights.

The I hate my job handbook

how to deal with hell at work

Life on the line

alternative approaches to work
Surveys new experimental and alternative approaches to work being utilized by governments and industry to combat job dissatisfaction and the needless waste of human resources.


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