consumer education

Topical Term
consumer education

How to buy a car

Discusses the expense involved in buying and maintaining a car; whether to choose a new or used car; and how to select, buy, pay for, and insure an automobile.

Career information center

Presents information and lists further resources on jobs in consumer, homemaking, and personal services, covering earnings and benefits, outlook, working conditions, and education and training requirements; and provides tips on r?sum?s, applications, interviews, and networking.

The consumer's guide to effective environmental choices

practical advice from the Union of Concerned Scientists
Looks at the relationship between American consumers and the environment, identifying the most significant consumer-related environmental problems, as well as the most damaging spending categories; discusses priority actions people should take to protect the environment; and includes rules for responsible consumption.

Mental wellness for women

Presents the latest medical knowledge about women's mental health issues, includes information about hormones, medications, and selecting psychotherapies, also provides tips on preventing depression and anxiety, and avoiding eating disorders and substance abuse.

Leases and landlords

apartment living
A young couple encounters problems in having a leaky pipe fixed in their apartment, but meantime, help a sister-in-law find a suitable apartment for herself.

Ads, fads, and consumer culture

advertising's impact on American character and society
Presents an examination of the impact of advertising on society, providing an analysis of print advertisements, television commercials, classified ads, product placement, and more, explaining the psychological needs that they target.

Straight talk about cosmetic surgery

Plastic surgeon Dr. Arthur Perry evaluates a variety of cosmetic surgeries, discussing the benefits and potential problems associated with eyelid and brow lifts, neck banding, rhinoplasty, hair restoration, tattoo removal, body contouring, and many other procedures, and looking at ineffective and unproven surgeries and techniques.

Street law

a course in practical law
A law textbook for high school students, designed to give them practical advice, knowledge, and skills to survive in our "law-saturated" society.


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