africa, west

africa, west

Chocolate islands

cocoa, slavery, and colonial Africa
Describes the travels and work of Englishman Joseph Burtt, who was sent by Cadbury Brothers Limited to investigate if the cocoa it was buying from the Portuguese colony of Sao Tome and Principe was being harvested by slave laborers, and examines his influence on labor recruiting practices in colonial Africa.

Journey without maps

Graham Greene recounts his journey from Sierra Leone to the coast of Grand Bassa, describing the people and wildlife he encountered along the way and his impressions of the wild African region.

The ends of the earth

a journey at the dawn of the 20th century
Account of the author's travels through West Africa, Egypt and Iran, Central Asia, India, Pakistan, and Southeast Asia, areas of the world that are being torn apart by cultural rivalries and the re-emergence of ethnic divisiveness.

Inheriting the trade

a Northern family confronts its legacy as the largest slave-trading dynasty in U.S. history
The author, along with other members of his family, extensively research their family's heritage revealing their relationship to the most successful slave-trade family in American history.
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