human smuggling

Topical Term
human smuggling

I just wanted to save my family

a memoir
"The timely, powerful memoir of a man unjustly charged with a crime for helping his relatives, refugees from Syria. For trying to save his in-laws, who were fleeing certain death in Syria, St?phan P?lissier was threatened with fifteen years in prison by the Greek justice system, which accused him of human smuggling. His crime? Having gone to search for the parents, brother, and sister of his wife, Z?na, in Greece rather than leaving them to undertake a treacherous journey by boat to Italy. Their joy on finding each other quickly turned into a nightmare: P?lissier was arrested as a result of a missing car registration and thrown into prison. Although his relatives were ultimately able to seek asylum-legally-in France, P?lissier had to fight to prove his innocence, and to uphold the values of common humanity and solidarity in which he so strongly believes. I Just Wanted to Save My Family offers a heartrending window into the lives of those displaced by the Syrian civil war and a scathing critique of the often absurd, unfeeling bureaucracies that determine their fates"--.


"When Owen's parents leave him on his own for a week, the sixteen-year-old gets bored and hatches a crazy idea: sneak onto the yacht that's visiting the sleepy Pacific Coast island where he lives, and stow away on an adventure! Once on board the vessel, Owen quickly finds out this is anything but innocent fun. The ship is packed with teenagers from Central America, and it looks like Owen has stumbled into a people-smuggling operation"--Back cover.
Cover image of Stowaway

Human trafficking

a reference handbook
Provides a global analysis of the problem of human trafficking in the twentieth century, including information on the different groups of victims, the methods of traffickers, trafficking patterns, and prospects for ending human trafficking.
Cover image of Human trafficking

The Coyote's bicycle

the untold story of seven thousand bicycles and the rise of a borderland empire
This is the story of seven thousand bikes that made an incredible journey and one young man from Oaxaca who arrived at the border with nothing, built a small empire, and then vanished. Touching on immigration and globalization, as well as the history of the US-Mexico border, this book is at once an immersive investigation of an outrageous occurrence and a true-crime, rags-to-riches story.

Dying to cross

the worst immigrant tragedy in American history

Dying to live

a story of U.S. immigration in an age of global apartheid
Presents a comprehensive account of U.S. immigration and border enforcement through the life story of a young migrant who dies in the California desert.

Human trafficking, human misery

the global trade in human beings
Provides a global analysis of the problem of human trafficking in the twentieth century, including information on the different groups of victims, the methods of traffickers, trafficking patterns, and prospects for ending human trafficking.

Nothing to lose

Robyn Hunter learns that her friend, Nick, is involved with a group of people who are smuggling immigrants into the country, and her life is put in danger when she decides to try and help him.

The devil's highway

a true story
Chronicles the true story of twenty-six men who attempted to cross the Mexican border into the southern Arizona desert known as the Devil's Highway, describing how the men struggled to survive the desert's harsh conditions and why only twelve survived the journey.

The Natashas

inside the new global sex trade
Examines the global sex trade, exposing how women and girls from all over Eastern Europe are being sold for sex by networks of organized crime that rose to prominence after the fall of communism.


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