Second glance / Picoult, Jodi

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Second glance

a novel
When an old man puts a piece of land up for sale in Vermont, the local Abenaki Indian tribe protest, claiming it is a burial ground, and when odd, supernatural events start plaguing the town, a ghost hunter is hired by the developer to help convince residents that there is nothing spiritual about the property.
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Second glance

a novel
When an old man puts a piece of land up for sale in Vermont, the local Abenaki Indian tribe protest, claiming it is a burial ground, and when odd, supernatural events start plaguing the town, a ghost hunter is hired by the developer to help convince residents that there is nothing spiritual about the property.

Second glance

a novel
When an old man puts a piece of land up for sale in Vermont, the local Abenaki Indian tribe protest, claiming it is a burial ground, and when odd, supernatural events start plaguing the town, a ghost hunter is hired by the developer to help convince residents that there is nothing spiritual about the property.

Second glance

a novel
When an old man puts a piece of land up for sale in Vermont, the local Abenaki Indian tribe protest, claiming it is a burial ground, and when odd, supernatural events start plaguing the town, a ghost hunter is hired by the developer to help convince residents that there is nothing spiritual about the property.
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