Kalz, Jill

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A children's book for early readers that describes some of the things to expect in the summer including thunderstorms and lightning, the longest and hottest days of the year, butterflies, growing time, flowers, and more.
Cover image of Summer


Presents a children's book for early readers that describes the things to see in the Spring such as flowers, caterpillars, baby birds, and baby animals.
Cover image of Spring


Describes changes that happen in nature when fall comes, including shifts in the weather, the migration of birds, and animals' preparations for the winter, and things people do in the fall, such as harvest fall crops and celebrate Halloween; and explains how to make leaf rubbings.
Cover image of Fall


Pucks, clubs, and baseball gloves

reading and writing sports poems
"Introduces basic poetry forms and terms through the use of original sports-themed poems"--.

Henry Shortbull swallows the sun

Greedy Henry Shortbull wants to have everything in the whole world, but when he swallows the sun one day, he realizes that he has gone too far.

Farmer Cap

After years of trying to convince their eccentric neighbor to do things the way they do, the farmers of Pfeffernut County finally see that Farmer Cap might have some good ideas, after all.

Trust, truth, and ridiculous goofs

reading and writing friendship poems
"Introduces basic poetry forms and terms through the use of original friendship-themed poems"--.

Tickles, pickles, and floofing persnickles

reading and writing nonsense poems
"Introduces basic poetry forms and terms through the use of original nonsense-themed poems"--.

Thorns, Horns, and Crescent Moons

Reading and Writing Nature Poems
"Introduces basic poetry forms and terms through the use of original nature-themed poems"--.


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