Rosinsky, Natalie M

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shadows, mirrors, and rainbows
Text and color illustrations present basic explanations of how shadows, reflections, and rainbows are created. Also includes experiments, a glossary, and a further-reading list.
Cover image of Light

Write your own fairy tale

A brief guide to writing fairy tales, with tips on creating characters and plots as well as getting published.
Cover image of Write your own fairy tale

Sinking and floating

A brief introduction to how and why different objects sink or float.
Cover image of Sinking and floating


loud, soft, high, and low
Sound is created through vibrations that vary in pitch and volume. This creates sound-waves that you can hear. Includes experiments.


hard, soft, smooth, and rough
The rocks you see everyday can be grouped into different types, like igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic. Some rocks are actually minerals, and you can even find fossils in some types of rocks.


pulling together, pushing apart
Compasses and magnetite, magnetic poles and motors - learn about how magnets affect our lives.


the scoop on soil
Discusses the nature, uses, and importance of soil and the many forms of life that it supports.

Las rocas

duras, blandas, lisas y ?speras
Introduces the three types of rocks--igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic--discussing where they can be found, and explaining what can be learned from the study of rocks. Includes an identification chart and activities.

El agua

arriba, abajo y en todos lados
Describes the water cycle and the importance of water, explaining evaporation and condensation, dew and frost, and water's three states, and includes experiments.


pulling together, pushing apart
Provides information about magnets, explaining how and why they work, where they are found, and how they are used, and includes experiments and a glossary.


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