Field trips

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Out and about at the bakery

Uses a field trip to a bakery to introduce the process by which baked treats are made.

Out and about at the greenhouse

On a school field trip to a greenhouse, children learn about greenhouses and the plants that are grown in them.

Out and about at the veterinary clinic

Doctor Hart gives a guided tour of her veterinary clinic, where she explains such things as what equipment she uses, how she calms animals down, and some of the different problems he treats. Includes an activity and other learning resources.

Out and about at the science center

Museum guide Maria gives a tour of the science museum explaining the various collections and exhibits that are found there and the ways in which science museums differ from other museums. Includes instructions for creating a museum exhibit and other resources.

Out and about at the aquarium

Aquarium worker Ming gives a guided tour of the Blue Harbor Aquarium, where she explains such things as what kinds of jobs people have there, what kinds of fish and animals live there, and how food is prepared for aquarium dwellers. Includes an activity and other learning resources.

Out and about at the planetarium

Director Solomon gives a guided tour of Star City Planetarium, where he explains such things as what equipment is used in a planetarium show and what some of the different objects in the night sky are. Includes an activity and other learning resources.

At the construction site

Briefly describes what goes on at a construction site and some of the equipment used there.

At the barber

A simple introduction to the barber shop or beauty salon, who works there, what activities are performed in cutting and styling hair, and what tools and other items are used.

At the space center

A simple overview of the operations at several space flight centers in the United States.

At the school

Simple text and photos take a tour of a school and depict the activities of a typical day there.


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