fear in children

Topical Term
fear in children

Jessie the lonely puppy

"When Chloe's big brother Will breaks his leg, he is stuck in a hospital for a couple of weeks. Mom and Dad are frantic, and there is no one to look after the family's lively Border collie puppy, Jessie"--Publisher.

Young man with camera

T-- lives in a precarious world with very few friends, abused by a trio of bullies he calls Joined at the Hip, and his main refuge is the camera which he uses to capture the unique way he sees the world--but when he photographs the boys attacking a homeless woman the images could lead to even more trouble, especially when the bullies threaten to hurt his only friend, Sean, if he trys to use the pictures against them.

The ant hill disaster

A little boy ant is afraid to go back to school after the Ant Hill School is destroyed, but his mom helps him overcome his fear.

Fear and anxiety

Both fear and anxiety are normal, human emotions. Small doses can get in the way of normal daily activities and happiness. The more you know about fear and anxiety, the more you'll be able to understand why you feel the way you do. You can begin to learn how to deal with your feelings when they start to get out of control.


from fear to courage

Tanya and the Tobo Man

a story for children entering therapy
Tanya's continuing fear of the Tobo Man leads her mother to start her in therapy at a mental health center, where she discovers how to express her feelings and eventually loses her fear.

Sometimes I worry

Expresses common fears such as being separated from family or never growing and suggests a way to deal with these worries.

What I look like when I am scared

Describes how different parts of a face may look when a person is scared.


Enumerates fears common to children, such as fear of the dark, heights, doctors, storms and doing things for the first time, such as going to school.


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