Rozakis, Laurie

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Be a super test-taker!

the ultimate guide to elementary school standardized tests
Offers elementary school students practical strategies to help them do better on standardized tests, with advice on how to prepare for the test, answer different types of questions, and stop pre-test anxiety.

Laura Ingalls Wilder

activities based on research from the Laura Ingalls Wilder Homes and Museums
This book extends the world of Laura Ingalls Wilder beyond the pages of the "Little house" books by using seldom-seen family photographs, maps, original manuscript pages, quotes and artifacts as the basis for hands-on classroom activities.

Schaum's quick guide to writing great research papers

A guide to writing a research paper that includes information on how to write a thesis statement, construct a logical paper, conduct online research, document sources, and avoid plagiarism.

Master the AP English language & composition test

teacher-tested strategies and techniques for scoring high
A guide to preparing for the Advanced Placement English Language and Composition Test, featuring subject reviews, test-taking strategies, self-evaluation tools, and five full-length practice exams.

A reading guide to Roll of thunder, hear my cry by Mildred D. Taylor

Discusses the writing, characters, plot and themes of this 1977 Newbery award-winning book. Includes discussion questions and activities.

Teen pregnancy

why are kids having babies?
Discusses problem of teenage pregnancies.

Meet the author

Activities revolving around thirteen popular authors.

The complete idiot's guide to grammar and style

An introduction to grammar and style, providing complete grammatical rules and usage, advice for adding variety and style to writing, learn to improve professional writing and speech, avoid common errors, remove redundancy and wordiness, and find a unique writing style.


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