Falk, Laine

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We Are Citizens

Did you know you are a citizen? A citizen is a member of a group. Citizens help each other and work together.

Let's talk tae kwon do

Photographs and simple text introduce young readers to the basic techniques of Tae Kwon Do.
Cover image of Let's talk tae kwon do

What is Mount Rushmore?

Simple text and photographs discuss the design and carving of Mount Rushmore, how the monument is taken care of, and its role as a tourist destination, with a comparison of the project to the Crazy Horse Memorial.

This is the way we go to school

Photographs, diagrams, graphs, and simple text about going to school help young learners develop vocabulary and basic grammar and comprehension skills, with websites for further research.

This is the way we eat our food

Describes the different ways children around the world eat their food.

We are citizens

Explains what a citizen is and looks at some of the things that make a person a good citizen.

We Are Citizens

Did you know you are a citizen? A citizen is a member of a group. Citizens help each other and work together.

What's in Washington, D.C.?

Simple text and photographs provide an introduction to Washington, D.C., discussing its buildings, monuments, zoo, and museums.

We are citizens

Explains what a citizen is and looks at some of the things that make a person a good citizen.


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