security measures

Topical Term
security measures

Keeping money safe

Looks at how the United States Federal Reserve System, the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, banks, businesses, and individual people work to protect the money for which they are responsible.

Staying safe at home

Uses real-life examples to illustrate practical tips on how to avoid becoming the victim of both property crimes, such as burglary, and personal crimes, such as sexual assault, while in your own home.

U.S. air marshals

Describes the history of the U.S. Air Marshal program, the training involved in becoming an air marshal, and how air marshals help to protect passengers.

Should the United States move to electronic voting?

Provides varying viewpoints on the debate over the use of electronic voting in the United States, discussing the reliability, security, accuracy, and accessibility of voting machines.

Maritime and port security

Shows how the U.S. strengthened and changed security in American ports and at sea after the September 11, 2001, attacks, describing maritime security history, the implementation of changes, funding, training, and the duties of security team members. Includes a chronology, bibliography, and further reading list.

Aviation insecurity

the new challenges of air travel
Examines the impact the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 have had on air travel and aviation, discussing how the industry is protecting itself and its passengers from terrorism, and critiquing the security measures that have been taken.

The red horseman

Jake Grafton, a Defense Intelligence agent, is dispatched to Moscow. His mission is to keep the twenty thousand nuclear weapons from the former Soviet Union from getting on the black market, but there are many who would like to see him fail.

Shoplifting, the crime everybody pays for

Discusses the causes and effects of shoplifting, describes methods that are used to guard against theft and to catch thieves, and explains why shoplifting affects the general public.

Being safe at school

Simple text and illustrations explain how to be safe while traveling to and from school, in class, and during recess.

The U.S. Transportation Security Administration

A color-illustrated look at the methods used by the Transportation Security Administration to protect Americans in airports, aircraft, and elsewhere. Also includes a chronology, glossary, and list of further resources.


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