
Topical Term

Remembering John McCrae

soldier, doctor, poet
Examines the life of John McCrae, discussing his childhood, family, careers in medicine and the military, World War I experience, and other related topics, and including more than one hundred photographs, documents, and images.

Civil War doctor

the story of Mary Walker
Tells the life story of Mary Edwards Walker, an abolitionist's daughter who chose not to wear the constricting women's fashions of her time, volunteered medical services in the Civil War and won a Medal of Honor after being refused a commission as an army surgeon, and fought for women's rights.

Robert Louis Stevenson's Strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

A graphic novel adaptation of Robert Louis Stevenson's classic story in which John Utterson, a lawyer and friend of the scientist Dr. Jekyll, uncovers a horrifying secret after deciding to investigate the hidden life of the brutal Mr. Hyde.

A river of words

the story of William Carlos Williams
Presents a picture book biography of American poet William Carlos Williams, who studied to become a doctor, but still found time to write poetry.

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Presents a graphic-novel adaptation of Robert Louis Stevenson's classic story of Dr. Henry Jekyll and his alter-ego, the sinister Mr. Hyde.

Edward Jenner

conqueror of smallpox
Describes the life and work of Edward Jenner, the eighteenth-century English physician who discovered the first safe method of preventing smallpox.

Rita Levi-Montalcini

Nobel Prize winner
A biography of the Italian-born physician and researcher who won the Nobel Prize for her work with growing nervous system cells in the human embryo.

Voyage of midnight

chronicle of courage
In the early nineteenth century, when his sea-captain uncle invites him to assist the ship's surgeon on his next voyage, orphaned, fourteen-and-a-half-year-old Phillip, eager to be with family, accepts only to find out that his uncle is a slave trader.

Dr. Jerri Nielsen

cheating death in Antarctica
Recounts Dr. Jerri Nielsen's struggle to survive cancer while in Antarctica.

Dr. Josef Mengele

the angel of death
Chronicles the life of Josef Mengele, the doctor who conducted experiments on twins and other inmates at the Auschwitz concentration camp, describing his activities in the Third Reich and his life after the war, and providing historical context on Germany and the Jews, a time line, a glossary, and lists of related resources.


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