vocational guidance

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vocational guidance

Crafting with wood

DIY woodworking projects
"This how-to book provides readers with information they need to get started on a career in woodworking. Included are the history and cultural significance of woodworking, woodworking tools and techniques, woodworking career paths, and highlights of successful woodworkers. Step-by-step projects help readers practice woodworking skills, and idea spreads inspire ways to apply what they've learned"--OCLC.

Exploring jobs in the skilled trades

"For those who like to work with their hands and do not want to spend their days in office cubicles, the skilled trades offer a host of benefits that will continue to pay for decades to come"--Provided by publisher.

Family psychology

Family psychology is a vast area of the psychological field. Despite its name, those who work in the field deal not only with families but also with groups who often function like families, including those in a workplace or a community organization. Family psychology has the task of helping families and other groups of people function as a unit while at the same time recognizing the value of the individual. This book covers everything you need to know to better understand the practice of family psychology. It covers the basics such as history and education, but it goes deeper. You will learn to see the kinds of people the field can help, and you will see what valuable lessons family psychology has to teach us.

Exploring careers in engineering

Engineering is a broad field that provides many different opportunities for creating, discovering, and problem solving. Engineers use math and science skills to do work that changes the world.

Teen guide to college and career planning

"While college and career planning can feel overwhelming and stressful, it can also be an exciting experience in which students learn about what they want--and don't want--in their future. Doing your research and learning about careers and college options while you're still months or years away from having to fill out applications and make big decisions can remove some of the stress"--Provided by publisher.

Become a construction equipment operator

"Explores career options as a construction equipment operator, including what construction equipment operators do, what training they need, day to day life, and future outlooks for the career field"--Provided by publisher.

Jobs if you like video games

"Discover what it is like to be a professional gamer, game artist, game tester, drone pilot, and more in this book about jobs of interest to people who like to play video games. What the jobs entail, what they pay, and future prospects are discussed along with insights from industry insiders"--Provided by publisher.

Jobs if you like music

While any career requires a certain amount of hard work, perseverance and talent, that is especially true of musical artists and others in the music industry. The competition, changing audience tastes, and the difficulty of just getting that first big break, let alone maintaining a successful career, can be daunting.

If you can dream it, you can do it

how 25 inspiring individuals found their dream jobs
"Profiles of twenty-five diverse individuals share how each person got interested in their field, how they studied or trained for it, how others typically study or train for it, and their experience in their career. Informative sidebars share spin-off jobs, . . . pro tips about how readers can try out the field, and spotlight features about children who are doing just that"--Provided by publisher.

Become a physical therapy assistant

"Explores a career as a physical therapy assistant, including what physical therapy assistants do, what training they need, what day to day life is like in the field, and the future career outlook for physical therapy assistants"--Provided by publisher.


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