social aspects

Geographic Name
social aspects

Strangers in the land

patterns of American nativism, 1860-1925
Describes American attitudes toward immigration from 1860 through 1925, and examines public opinion about minority groups when they came to America.


the people who brought you a nation
Examines the lives and efforts of seven historical figures in the establishment of the United States, and focuses on George Washington, Robert Morris, Henry Laurens, Timothy Bigelow, Joseph Plumb Martin, Thomas Young, and Mercy Otis Warren.

A people's history of the American Revolution

how common people shaped the fight for independence
Chronicles the events surrounding the American Revolution from the standpoints of its everyday participants, including women, Native Americans, African-Americans, loyalists, and pacifists.

Everyday life during the Civil War

Describes the dramatic events and standard practices that shaped the Civil War era, with information on the social and economic realities of everyday life, military life in the army and navy, common dialects and diction, Civil War weaponry, and common foods, clothing styles, and pastimes.

The fall of the house of Dixie

the Civil War and the social revolution that transformed the South
In this history of the Civil War, Bruce Levine tells the story of how that conflict upended the economic, political, and social life of the old South, utterly destroying the Confederacy and the society it represented and defended.

The devil's highway

a true story
Recounts the case of twenty-six men who attempted to cross the Mexican border into the desert of southern Arizona through a region called Devil's Highway and were betrayed by a smuggler.

The vacant chair

the Northern soldier leaves home
Draws on the letters, diaries, and memoirs of Northern soldiers to show how mid-nineteenth-century attitudes about home and family helped them adapt to military life during the Civil War.

Water from the rock

Black resistance in a revolutionary age


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